Archive for March, 2011

We support Cancer Research UK

Thursday, March 31st, 2011
Every year we offer a flight to a charity so they can raise money for their cause. This year, we have decided to support Cancer Research. They are organizing a golfing day out in June along with COMET, bringing suppliers to this event. At night, an auction will be organised with various prizes to bet on. And one of them will be our jet fighter ride. We hope to raise a lot of money through our gift. Cancer survival rates have doubled in the last 40 years, thanks to the tremendous work done by orgRead More....

Jet fighter video along the cliffs

Friday, March 18th, 2011
We love to fly our jet fighter in Northern France as we can get really close to the cliffs. There are also many aerobatics axis where we can do many maneuvers. Check out this short video. The jet fighter ride is done in a Fouga Magister, one of the most agile jets ever made. It is recognizable by its V shaped tail. Twin engined, it is also one of the safest jet fighter to fly. And the bonus point is the large glass canopy for a great view of the scenery. Read More....

Doing our bit for the environment

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011
To fly a jet fighter consumes a lot of kerosene and off course is not the best thing for the environment. And although we love flying our jet fighters, we are also very much aware of the problems of the environment and what we will leave to our next generation. This is why we have signed up with Action Carbone, an NGO managed by Frenchman Yann Arthus Bertrand, and our now making a contribution each time we fly. BasicallRead More....

Learn to do aerobatics in a jet fighter

Friday, March 11th, 2011
This experience is exclusively for private pilots only. Get your hands on the Fouga Magister and learn to do aerobatics in a fighter jet. This extraordinary experience is done during a one hour flight with a 30mn session to get used to flying the plane and then a 30mn of learning how to do aerobatics such as rolls, loops and Cuban eight… Your experience starts with a security briefing followed by a technical briefing reviewing aerodynamics and flight controls and behaviours. Then you will bRead More....

Aerobatics in a jet fighter

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011
Flying a jet fighter is a great experience, as long you as you get to experience some aerobatics to truly feel the plane. And the simplest maneuver you can experience is the barrel roll. The great thing about this figure is that anyone, with any plane, can achieve it. It is so easy and so un-dangerous that even commercial airliners can do it. As a matter of fact, the test pilot of the Boeing 727 did a barrel roll in front of the crowd dRead More....