Archive for June, 2011

How to be prepared for a jet fighter ride

Monday, June 27th, 2011
Flying a jet fighter is no ordinary experience. However, you should feel stressed out if you have booked a jet ride as there is nothing you can not handled. First of all, you should eat before flying. The common mistake is to think you will automatically be sick and therefore most people avoid having breakfast or lunch before the flight. You should eat, not beyond reason though, as you need the energy to fight the Gs and your own stress. Without energy, you may feel weak and unwell during the Read More....

Our latest jet fighter ride video

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Check out our new jet fighter ride video. We have flown in Abbeville recently and we had a lot of fun. The area is absolutely great as there is almost no one in the sky, allowing for low level flying, and enjoying the views of the great white cliffs. The scenery is stunning, especially when flying low level above the sea and towards the cliffs. We had tremendous fun. But we always fly safely. We will be there again soon, and we will update you on this website about our next dates in Abbeville. SRead More....

New regulation to apply to jet fighter rides

Friday, June 10th, 2011
Regulations are currently changing in France, and imposing a no fly zone in South West France for all jet fighter rides. Unfortunately, this implies that we are no longer permitted to offer to fly a jet fighter from Bordeaux. This no fly zone is temporary whilst the administration ruling the French skies publishes new regulation this summer which will apply with immediate effect. We are quite happy of this new regulation as it will professionalise the operation of jet fiRead More....